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30/05/2020 Sabbath Service Register

Hallelujah, peace to you all! We will finally be able to have services at church this coming Sabbath with restrictions in numbers according to government regulations.

Please consider filling in the form below to allow us to better manage and make necessary preparations as the chapel can only seat a maximum of 44 people.

Families that have RE online can consider online service in the morning and then come to church for the afternoon service.

Families who do not have members participating in RE can attend the morning service at church and hold afternoon services online at home. This distribution will avoid exceeding current government regulations.



有上宗教教育的家庭,可以考慮早上聚會在家網上聚會,以及參加網上宗教教育的課程, 之後下午的聚會才來教會參加聚會.

這樣就可以適當調整參加的人數不超過政府所規定的範圍。家裡成員沒有上宗教教育的信徒請儘量參加早上的聚會, 之後下午聚會在家網上聚會。